  • Видео 700
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Do You Have to Keep the Law to be Saved? (w/ Remnant Radio)
Can we obtain entrance into heaven by adherence to God's law? Jon and Justin speak with Joshua Lewis from Remnant Radio about the Law and the Gospel.
“If the gospel does not lead you to hope and rest, you may not fully understand it.”
Full Episode -видео.html
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Theocast: theocast_org
Jon Moffitt: jonmoffitt
Justin Perdue: justin_perdue
Просмотров: 479


Law and Gospel (w/ Remnant Radio) | Theocast
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.4 часа назад
Today's episode is a special one. Jon and Justin were recently interviewed by the hosts of Remnant Radio, Josh and Michael, and had a great conversation about all things law and gospel. We discussed the history, confusing passages, and how it is often misused to rob us of assurance. More importantly, we explored how, when used correctly, it can provide deep assurance. We hope you find this conv...
Two Types of Believers Who Desperately NEED the GOSPEL!
Просмотров 90416 часов назад
There are two types of people in the church today who desperately need the revitalizing truth of the gospel. Both have been affected by legalism and/or pietism and need a breath of fresh gospel air to remind them of their Savior, reorienting their assurance away from themselves, their performance, and their abilities, and back toward the true object of their faith: the Lord Jesus. Full Episode ...
Godliness vs. Legalism | Theocast
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What is the difference between godliness and legalism? Sometimes, when people define godliness, they actually describe legalism or even pietism. Understanding this distinction is crucial, and the Bible addresses it often. Today, Jon and Justin will explain where true, heart-filled, God-glorifying godliness comes from and reveal the damage caused by the lies of Satan-legalism and pietism. We pra...
We Sin, We Suffer, We Die... Where's the Good News?
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The Christian life is often depicted by American culture as one of prosperity and health, but more frequently, our pilgrimage through this fallen world is characterized by sin, suffering, and ultimately death. Jon and Justin have discussed suffering, sickness, death, and our only hope to escape this harrowing reality in many episodes of Theocast. This compilation features the most informative a...
Something Is Seriously Off About This...
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Is compassion for the sinner gone? Jon and Justin speak about the state of modern Christianity and it’s current impulse to question the eternal state of struggling believers, call them false professors, and pronounce eternal judgment on their souls. Full Episode -видео.html JOIN THE THEOCAST COMMUNITY: FREE EBOOK:
For the Outcasts | Theocast
Просмотров 2,4 тыс.21 день назад
Maybe you're out there feeling weary, burdened, beat up, or left behind. Even in your experience as a Christian in the church, you feel like you've been run over, like you don't fit. You know that Jesus is real, but you wonder if the problem is with you. If you've felt this way repeatedly, and if you've been made to feel this way over and over, this podcast is for you. Today, Jon and Justin are...
Is God Really with Us? Exploring Doubt and Faith
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Jon and Justin discuss our pietistic tendencies and how they affect our peace and understanding of God's nature and posture towards sinners. Full Episode -видео.html JOIN THE THEOCAST COMMUNITY: FREE EBOOK: PARTNER with Theocast: OUR WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: instagr...
What Robs Us of Rest? | Theocast
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Have you ever found yourself resting in Christ, only to suddenly lose that peace? What can rob you of your rest in Christ? Today's podcast addresses this very issue. We will explore the pitfalls that either trap us, preventing us from finding rest, or trip us up once we are at rest, causing anxiety, pain, and suffering. These pitfalls can undermine the very hope we have in the sufficiency of Ch...
Stop Preaching the Pietism 'Gospel'
Просмотров 13 тыс.Месяц назад
If you are directed inwardly to find the comfort and assurance that Christ has saved you from your sin, you will be of all men most miserable. Jon and Justin have spoken about pietism and its effects on the Christian life in many episodes of Theocast. This is a compilation of the most informative and helpful portions of those episodes, with the aim of being extremely clear on where we stand, wh...
Is Your Faith Strong Enough To Save You?
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Is your faith strong enough? Is it good enough? Mike Abendroth speaks about his experience battling cancer and the struggles with assurance that came with it. He points to a distinction between faith and faithfulness and encourages those who are suffering or near death that it is not their faithfulness that saves them, but the object of their faith, the Lord Jesus. Full Episode -
Where Is Jesus in My Suffering? (w/ Mike Abendroth) | Theocast
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.Месяц назад
Today, it seems like if you are not suffering from some kind of ailment or cancer, you know someone who is or have had a family member or friend who has died because of it. It is a painful experience to watch someone lose their life and wither away. At times, our faith is crushed, and our assurance is called into question. Where is Jesus in all of this suffering? We have the privilege of hostin...
The Doctrine of Grace is Under Attack!
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The Doctrine of Grace is Under Attack!
There Is No Power in the Law | Theocast
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There Is No Power in the Law | Theocast
Can Christians Save America?
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Can Christians Save America?
What Does America Need? | Theocast
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What Does America Need? | Theocast
Are You Repenting Enough? And Is it Sufficient?
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Are You Repenting Enough? And Is it Sufficient?
The True Meaning of Psalm 1 & 2
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The True Meaning of Psalm 1 & 2
Psalm 1 Is NOT About You | Theocast
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Psalm 1 Is NOT About You | Theocast
Understanding The Difference Between Justification and Sanctification
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Understanding The Difference Between Justification and Sanctification
What Does It Mean to Be "Born Again?"
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What Does It Mean to Be "Born Again?"
Missing the Gospel in John 3 | Theocast
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Missing the Gospel in John 3 | Theocast
Is Sin Haunting You?
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Is Sin Haunting You?
Shocking Parallels to Abortion and Gospel Hope in Exodus?
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Shocking Parallels to Abortion and Gospel Hope in Exodus?
The Old Testament Preaches the Gospel | Theocast
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The Old Testament Preaches the Gospel | Theocast
Why You Need to Be PRESENT at Church!
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Why You Need to Be PRESENT at Church!
How To Empower Christians to do Good Works
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How To Empower Christians to do Good Works
What Happened to Freedom in the Gospel? | Theocast
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What Happened to Freedom in the Gospel? | Theocast
Is Doug Wilson a Heretic?
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Is Doug Wilson a Heretic?
Is Mental Illness a Real Thing?
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Is Mental Illness a Real Thing?


  • @abhirai6124
    @abhirai6124 18 минут назад

    A liberating one

  • @23whatsleft
    @23whatsleft 43 минуты назад

    those are yhwh laws not mosheh and the chistians think they are exempt, yall are in for a rude awakening . the messiahs name is not now never was and will never be jesus as matter of fact jesus is only the english translation of the greek swine god iesous. that does not translate into the hebrew yeshua just cause thats what people want to think that. like it is said people will do what they want , so bye

  • @toolegittoquit_001
    @toolegittoquit_001 Час назад

    Remnant Radio ? These guys are little better than Ruslan or Parr. I see no theological depth (defense of Mike Bickle and San Storms foolishness, failed coaching of heretic Todd White, support for casting demons out of Believers, ad infinitum) in them and seem more in the click generation mode. You guys have fallen down since I last listened to you 😬

  • @barwisha
    @barwisha 4 часа назад

    Beautiful put. Amen brother

  • @sushilgeorge4096
    @sushilgeorge4096 7 часов назад

    Dispensationalism is God had plan A to provide salvation and restoration of the Jewish state Israel... Now, plan A failed, by Jews rejecting our Lord Jesus. The Triune God shifted his plan A to plan B! Plan B is the Gentiles excepted the gospel good news of salvation. Now dispensationalist believe that God has again shifted his original plan from B to A... Plan A is the restoration of modern political state of Israel in 1948. Plan A second step was restoring the Torahism ritual order of the Israeli religious system... Plan A third step is to restoration of the Third Temple in Jerusalem and starting the animal sacrifice for the remission of their sins. The dispensationalist spiritual excitement of the coming rapture and eminent hastening of Christ is on the climax... For the past 100 years the evangelical churches were building up for implementing Plan A. The State & the churches in the west have engaged in pumping trillions of dollars in executing plan A. This is in short/brief/simple explanation of how the dispensational doctrine has been developed over the century.

  • @GraceAloneKJV
    @GraceAloneKJV 11 часов назад

    Makes me wonder how many "Lordship Salvation" Calvinists are trusting in the law for salvation.

    • @davidelgeti517
      @davidelgeti517 2 часа назад

      @@GraceAloneKJV The question since Genesis is who or what is able to save mankind? In the Old Testament, God established the sacrifices that pointed to the answer. How can I be right with God, how can away be made back to God? We understand that no animal blood can wash away our sin and even a perfect man could have only earn his own salvation, if that man existed. So the answer was vailed in mystery even kept from the angels. The answer revealed in the New Testament and the Gospel of Christ is that the sacrifice had to be truly God and truly man. As much as I understand lordship salvation this is what is being acknowledged, only God could make a way back to Him self. Jesus Christ being truly man and truly God was the good news! Jesus Christ Lord and Saviour! We cannot accept him as one and not the other, if Christ was just a good man that would not be good news. That Christ is Lord God almighty, able to save all that the father has given Him that indeed is the Gospel of Christ, good news indeed!

    • @davidelgeti517
      @davidelgeti517 2 часа назад

      @@GraceAloneKJV After my comments I was reading the scriptures and my daily devotion was Philippians 2 Christ's Example of Humility So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

    • @toolegittoquit_001
      @toolegittoquit_001 Час назад

      The answer would be zero. Learn more about the Doctrines of Grace before attempting to castigate them

    • @lai7527
      @lai7527 39 минут назад

      ​@toolegittoquit_001 Then you have not watched enough of Paul Washer or JMac sermons because they both preach Lordship salvation. Even JMac said there was nothing "magic" in Jesus’s blood. If Jesus’s blood is not sufficient to save a sinner, then salvation is dependent on a person's good works.

  • @dkert0b05n0
    @dkert0b05n0 11 часов назад

    So… I got the vaccine, am I consigned irrevocably to the lake of fire now?

  • @akadwriter
    @akadwriter 12 часов назад

    Really guys??? These dudes are the same guys who enthusiastically platform the demonic Heidi Baker and aren't sure about how bad Bethel (Redding) is!!

    • @AfricanSheep
      @AfricanSheep 5 часов назад

      They also run cover for Todd White and said Cindy Jacob’s is the most accurate prophet they’ve ever heard. This collab is the most disappointing thing I’ve seen this year.

  • @dylanwagoner9768
    @dylanwagoner9768 12 часов назад

    Trying to understand you guys. I don’t have a perfect understanding of all these things. But it seems you guys create a theology from some hand picked verses, and then impose that theology on the rest of scripture.

    • @heavenbound7-7-7-7
      @heavenbound7-7-7-7 5 часов назад

      Our obedience is always a response to God's grace never a way to obtain it.

  • @BB-zf5fr
    @BB-zf5fr 17 часов назад

    This is a complete lack of understanding of scripture.

  • @lordofgun
    @lordofgun 18 часов назад

    Why would you partner with these guys? Oof.

    • @AfricanSheep
      @AfricanSheep 14 часов назад

      Agreed, a horribly unwise decision

  • @23whatsleft
    @23whatsleft 18 часов назад

    have you sat and read the law ? know this if you keep the ten words(commands) you are actually keeping the law. i have read them i know. the food laws are still in effect too. don't be deceived the the story of the guy on the roof with the sheet full of unclean animals was not about food it is about people. and in mark that is about eating with unwashed hands. some people even try to twist bereshith saying noach and abraham were given permission to eat whatever but they're wrong. but people will do what feels good to them.

    • @savedwretch8711
      @savedwretch8711 17 часов назад

      And people like you will not read The Bible for all is worth in context and hold on to their pride as if they are able to keep the law. God's word says that if you are going to be justified by the law, you have to keep it perfectly.........and I doubt you have.

    • @Joao7411
      @Joao7411 16 часов назад

      What are you talking about??????????????? Repent and believe the gospel!

    • @Berean_with_a_BTh
      @Berean_with_a_BTh Час назад

      Gentiles are not subject to the food laws of the Mosaic covenant. Read Acts 15. In essence, the Jerusalem Council exercised the authority Jesus gave the apostles per Matthew 16:19 & 18:18, releasing gentiles from full compliance with the Mosaic covenant. See also Galatians 3:1-5:4.

    • @lai7527
      @lai7527 48 минут назад

      There were 613 laws in the Old Testament, which include the 10 commandments. For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all. Jam 2:10

    • @Berean_with_a_BTh
      @Berean_with_a_BTh 37 минут назад

      @@lai7527 As I already pointed out, though, the Jerusalem Council exempted gentiles from the vast majority of the Mosaic covenant laws. If you're exempt, you're not at risk of breaking them.

  • @gray_rain
    @gray_rain 19 часов назад

    Absolutely. Not to mention the minute you have to look to your performance in law-keeping to have assurance of your salvation, both presently and finally, then you have a myriad of questions you have to answer. What is the ratio of good works to sin that's needed in the life of a believer in order to justifiably have assurance? And what is the time scale over which we measure that ratio? Is it good works:sin being measured per day? Per month? Per year? How do we come to that conclusion? Why would the Word communicate that we must obey enough to have assurance, but then not tell us in any sort of clear way what exactly constitutes "enough"? It becomes an endless treadmill where the carrot on the stick is perfection. Always more. Love neighbor more. Love God more. Care for the needy more. While those things are good, there's no specified volume of activity or participation in them for what justifies your assurance. Whatever level of sanctification you're at becomes perpetually the *wrong* level. Where does God draw the line in the sand with regard to a person's level of obedience to the law that says "this proportion of good works can have assurance, and this proportion can't", and how do we, again, come to that conclusion? Lots of questions with lots of not-so-Biblical implications.

  • @davidelgeti517
    @davidelgeti517 20 часов назад

    The law must be kept! The question you guys ask and answer is do we have to keep the law? There is a transaction that assures the law is satisfied. The cost was high and it was paid in full, not by us that is true but let’s be careful how we treat this good news. Our actions are to be actions of worship thankfulness not works to earn salvation, but of an act of a great full heart in worship . A heart that has been revived new life is a new life indeed and it’s this heart that the Lord requires and provides. I hope this doesn’t conflate the Law and Gospel.

  • @theouterplanet
    @theouterplanet 20 часов назад

    I wish you would address Dr Michael Brown who says your future sins have not been automatically forgiven once your saved.

    • @mr.f6912
      @mr.f6912 20 часов назад

      that's the result of the unbiblical view of arminianism. If he held the atonement as Jesus did (and as the Reformed faith does), this error would be avoided. Christ died one time for the satisfaction of God's wrath toward the sins of the elect. Hebrews 10 refutes Dr. Brown's bad view on this. I'd recommend reading that, because if Christ's sacrifice weren't for all of our sins, then He would continually have to be offered up as a sacrifice, just like the OT animals. In the nicest way that view is disgusting in light of our great God and Savior's work upon the cross and to be avoided at all costs. Hope this helps friend!

    • @Berean_with_a_BTh
      @Berean_with_a_BTh Час назад

      While it's true Jesus’ death was a sufficient sacrifice for all your sins, forgiveness requires repentance. Sins of which you're unrepentant - whether past, present, or future - remain unforgiven.

  • @pastorernestalbuquerque4770
    @pastorernestalbuquerque4770 21 час назад

    Always blessed by Theocast channel. Free grace theology for salvation is liberating.

  • @prautes4316
    @prautes4316 22 часа назад

    During the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ where Satan is lock in chains still people will turn away from Jesus during the end of that thousand year reign even without the temptation from Satan people will still choose to sin against Jesus Christ.

  • @SSNBN777
    @SSNBN777 23 часа назад

    We should be reminding constantly that it was the old Nation of Israel having once been under the Law. No Gentile was ever under the Law, yet we see Christians today either wondering if they should be, or trying to steal the liberty of those who are free in Christ.

  • @Cheryl-te1zs
    @Cheryl-te1zs День назад

    If you abide in him you don't sin If you're born of God you can't sin because his seed is in you and you can't sin!

  • @Eric-nx2jz
    @Eric-nx2jz День назад

    You both are very encouraging! Thank you for all the time and effort you take to explain in depth God’s Word in a deeper way for us to understand and share with others!❤

  • @AfricanSheep
    @AfricanSheep День назад

    Why on earth would you platform men who consistently platform some of the most egregious false teachers and false prophets?

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    No works saved by Grace works is for others

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад


  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    Believe God paid for ALL sins❤

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    We know are unsaved by works base🤡

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    No 1 can

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    ...with God it is po❤😂

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    No 1 can boast know that u r a 🤡

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад


  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад


  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    Works is for other not salvation

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад


  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад


  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад


  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад


  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    Know the devils

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    We should be carefull with works

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    Justifies to other

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    Not by works with salvation.

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    Family in Christ❤

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    Who is saved❤👍🎤🤡

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    ...not about yourself devil

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад


  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    Believe what he did for us❤

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    . So what 🤪think

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 День назад

    Faith without works